Family tree maker 2014 crashes
Family tree maker 2014 crashes

family tree maker 2014 crashes

She added: “My sister and I did fly over several times to the UK to try and find out more about our family.

family tree maker 2014 crashes

Ms George began her search using the internet to try to track down more information to fill in the blanks, searching through church records and census results. After that he was sent away to boarding school and was farmed out to his school friends’ families on holidays so never really saw his mother.” I didn’t know much about my family as pop’s dad was killed when he was only six years old. The former travel industry executive added: “I first got interested in our family history in about 2005. All my siblings were born in Boston, in Lincolnshire, but I was born in Salisbury. “Pop was sent out in 1952 to set up a wood business. She said: “Growing up I didn’t know anything about our family. Her parents, George and Ella Arrowsmith, along with her three siblings, moved from rural Lincolnshire to the bustling African republic in the early 1950s. Stephanie George was born and brought up on the outskirts of Salisbury, in Rhodesia, the youngest of four children. MOVING across continents have proved to be a journey of discovery for a South African woman who has uncovered her family’s Teesdale roots and ties to world-famous map makers. VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY: Left, Stephanie George’s search for her family history resulted in her moving to Barnard Castle

Family tree maker 2014 crashes